Thursday, September 18, 2008

Purposefully Minded yet Functionally Flawed

The internet, a marvel of modern man's ingenuity, but is it really all that it's cracked up to be? What was once a military application is now a massive network which has since spawned a monster of indigestible proportions.

It was created as form of communication, which it is still today, however it has since added in features and, because it has been set as the cornerstone of modern society, it has drastically morphed our culture. Would computers have taken off the way they did without the help of the internet? Would they have just been expensive calculators or would they still be in every home around the world, dictating many lives?

I think the internet, in its founding form, was a great idea, cultural applications have shifted; and not entirely for the better. The freedom of the internet has created a worm hole of utter crap that anyone and everyone must sift through in order to find the spec of decency that exists in the world today.

The internet has shrunk our vast sprawling planet down to a size manageable by a four year old while ever expand our ability to communicate. Essentially it has remained the same, but it's the additional features and added functionality that have been tacked to the internet which has pushed our society over the edge.

All in all, the internet is an amazing tool which, at its core, functions perfectly, but it has been allowed to spread out of control. It has pushed us to being inwardly social. We have everything at our fingertips, all without the need of human interaction. While it has furthered educational tools, it has also allowed for a broadened gap of misunderstanding.

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