Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sing With Me in Hegemony

Hegemony is the dominance or leadership of one thing over another. Mostly, it is applied to countries and political leadership roles, but it can also be applied on a personal level; to, say, a person’s media practices.

In my life there is no doubt that media is extremely dominant, but what medium holds the most control over my daily activities? Is it television, the internet, books? For me, no matter what I am doing, I must be listening to music. Whether I am writing, walking, reading, studying, or even brushing my teeth music is all around me. It holds prominence over every other medium in my life, be it television, movies, or even the internet.

However, interestingly enough when I engaging in the medium of music it is more often than not while multitasking. I read, write, walk, and sometimes even talk (however rude it may be) while I listen to music. Showing that music, although sometimes unseen and unheard, dominates my life.

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